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On June 7th, we will enter Phase Two of reopening on-campus worship while following the restrictions recommended by our state and national governments. We entered Phase One May 17th following The National Phase One plan, in which Florida entered beginning Monday, May 4th.We are continuing to resume worship in phases as the state and nation do the same. This means that worship in Phase Two will be different than in Phase One. Distancing regulations change from strict to moderate moving from the first to second phase, and we will adjust our worship plan accordingly. Phase Two will be a very different experience than we are accustomed to as we ensure the health of those who attend.  Read below what you can expect when you consider attending services during Phase #2.

Reopening Phase #2, beginning June 7

  • We will resume worshiping in one service at 10:30; there will be no activities at 9:00. Based on the 25% capacity rule, attendance will be limited to 235 people in the Worship Center. NOTE: Attendance the first two Sundays of Phase One did not exceed 120.
  • We encourage attenders to use the hand sanitizer dispensers inside the entrances as they enter.
  • Facemasks are recommended, but they will be optional not required. We will not be providing any, so you are encouraged to bring your own.
  • To avoid gatherings that would be within the six feet regulation, we are asking that you go directly to your place to sit when entering the building without lingering in the lobby areas. We encourage you to meet with friends and family outside the building maintaining six feet distancing.
  • We will dismiss attenders after the service in sections to avoid gathering and ask that you move directly out of the building.
    • We will not provide childcare to eliminate the concern of their social distancing.
    • We will block off seats and rows to keep people at proper social distance.
    • We will not pass an offering plate, distribute bulletins, nor observe Communion.
    • We will have doors propped opened.  Our guest team will be minimal.
    • Vulnerable Members over the age of 65 and those with underlying medical conditions should use their own judgment in choosing to attend worship or to stay home and worship by live streaming.
    • Live streaming of the service is now a staple element of how we provide worship involvement. This will continue to be available even though on-campus services resume.

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On May 17th, we will be reopening on-campus worship while following the restrictions recommended by our state and national governments. The National Phase One plan, in which Florida entered beginning Monday, May 4th, states the following:

LARGE VENUES (e.g., sit-down dining, movie theaters, sporting venues, places of worship) can operate under strict physical distancing protocols.

We will be beginning worship in phases as the state and nation do the same. This means that worship in Phase One will be different than in Phase Two. Distancing regulations change from strict to moderate moving from the first to second phase, and we will adjust our worship plan accordingly. It is our hope that we will move into Phase Two in a short period of time. Phase One will be a very different experience than we are accustomed to as we ensure the health of those who attend.  Read below what you can expect when you consider attending services during Phase #1.


  • Rather than one service at 10:30, Life Groups will not meet at 9:00; instead, we will offer two services at 9:00 and 10:30.
  • Our service will be less than an hour in order to transition people in and out with less interaction and less need for restrooms.
  • We encourage attenders to use the hand sanitizer dispensers inside the entrances as they enter.
  • Facemasks are recommended, but they will be optional not required. We will not be providing any, so you are encouraged to bring your own.
  • To avoid gatherings that would be within the six feet regulation, we are asking that you go directly to your place to sit when entering the building without lingering in the lobby areas. We encourage you to meet with friends and family outside the building maintaining six feet distancing.
  • We will dismiss attenders after the service in sections to avoid gathering and ask that you move directly out of the building.
  • We will block off seats and rows to keep people at proper social distance.
  • We will not provide childcare to eliminate the concern of their social distancing.
  • We will not pass an offering plate, distribute bulletins, nor observe Communion.
  • We will disinfect surfaces in between services.
  • We will have doors propped opened.  Our guest team will be minimal.
  • Vulnerable Members over the age of 65 and those with underlying medical conditions are discouraged from attending and should stay home to worship by live streaming.
  • Live streaming of the service is now a staple element of how we provide worship involvement. This will continue to be available even though on-campus services resume. Click here for our Live Stream